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 Workshops, Plant-walks and Make-its spread over a 3-day event

Join a community of people passionate about nature - everyone is welcome to attend this fun, family-friendly, informative event!


Workshops, plant walks and Make-its spread over a 3-day event, the AB Herb Gathering is a weekend of learning in nature, where you will build connections with the plants and fungi in our local ecosystem.


Presentations are led by herbalists and knowledge holders from Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and abroad. There are courses for beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced learning in natural and traditional foods, medicines & culture.


AHG 2023 Theme:

Earth - Everyone & Everything

Following in a 5-year cycle of the elements (starting with Fire in 2022), this year will be "Earth-themed": earth-based cultures, land-relationships, connection-to-place and more, featuring traditions from around the world.


NEW Features at AHG 2023

  • Meal Plan Option: We're responding to requests from 2022 attendees to make meal plans an optional add-on to the weekend ticket. You can choose to bring your own food this year, or buy a meal plan and let us do the cooking!

  • Kids-Zone: The Kids-Zone will increase opportunities for families to attend the AHG by providing programs for kids while parents attend workshops. Kids out of diapers are welcome to attend Kids-Zone programming during workshop hours.

  • QUIET ZONE Camping Area: for folks who enjoy low-stim environments, Quiet Zone area is set aside for a peaceful camping experience. Noise-related regulations will be strictly enforced here.

  • MORE UPDATES COMING SOON - Please check this website frequently for the latest updates on AHG 2023 

Thank You to The 2023 AHG Sponsors

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Camp Jubilee


In 2023 we will gather at Camp Jubilee, located in Cochrane, AB off Highway 22.

Nestled on the South bank of the Bow River, Camp Jubilee is situated on 85 acres of terraced grassland, a small wetland and slopes of spruce & poplar forest.

Jubilee the best mix of nature & convenience:

  • mobile cell-serviced area

  • 5 minutes to shops, restaurants & hotels in Cochrane

  • Indoor classrooms, comfortable dining areas

  • loads of tent camping

  • plenty of wilderness to explore!  

Get in touch with AHG coordinators

Alberta Herb Gathering 2023


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