What IS the Alberta Herb Gathering?
The Alberta Herb Gathering is a weekend dedicated to connecting with the plant world. If you are a plant enthusiast, herb enthusiast, DIY'er, bush crafter, forager, grower, homesteader, aspiring herb gardener, medicine maker, or armchair admirer, this weekend is for you.
Basically-if you have any kind of interest in medicinal & traditional cultural uses of plants, the Alberta Herb Gathering welcomes you!
We will have talks, workshops & plant walks by various local herbalists & notorious North American herbal veterans. We have topics for those new to the plant world as well as more advanced & clinical options for the more intermediate & advanced herbalists.
It is a deeply nourishing weekend for building connections with the plants & our community of people passionate about medicinal plants in AB.
How It All Began...
The Alberta Herb Gathering (AHG) was seeded in 2010 by two Alberta Herbalists, Abrah Arneson and Robert Rogers, on a long, hot drive, while returning home after The Montana Herb Gathering.
Driving past Yucca and Oregon Grape Root, the herbalists envisioned a herb gathering in Western Canada that focused on the plants growing on their corner of the planet. By the time they had crossed the border, The Alberta Herb Gathering had sprouted its first rootlet & Robert and Abrah had set the intention of the AGH.
As two people who work daily with plant medicine, they decided the AHG would be a weekend of gratitude. The Alberta Herb Gathering is a time for people to satisfy their thirst for connection to and knowledge about the natural world. It is a weekend to come together to learn and share their understanding of the medicine plants offer freely.
In 2011, the First Alberta Herb Gathering bloomed-it was a sold out event & continues to be!
Where We Are Now...
In 2017, the Alberta Herb Gathering was handed over to the Alberta Herbalists Association (AHA) as a way to continue the goal of connecting and uniting herbalists in Alberta. The AHA is pleased to continue the tradition of the Alberta Herb Gathering and looks forward to organizing many future gatherings to come!
About the Alberta Herbalists Association
The Alberta Herbalists Association aims to unite herbalists and herbal medicine enthusiasts Alberta-wide. Our goal is to increase awareness of herbal medicine in the community and connect like-minded individuals.
Our Mission
Establish self-regulation, educational standards, training, code of ethics, and support for members
Promote public awareness of the use of herbs for healing
Provide educational and networking opportunities for herbalists and the public
Support and stimulate continuing education and research in phytotherapy
Assistance to government and other agencies and institutions in recognizing our role in facilitating health and wellness
To become a member of the Alberta Herbalists Association or to get more information, please visit www.albertaherbalists.ca/