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Alberta Herb Gathering 2023


   Empowering & educational workshops are the heart of the Alberta Herb Gathering. Presentations take the form of campfire storytellings, guided meditations, audio-visual lectures, immersive how-to's and exploratory strolls through local ecosystems.    

Our Teachers are elders and experts in their field, sharing ancient traditions or exciting new research in plant medicine. 

Workshops are taught immersed in

nature and in our indoor classroom.   


Plantwalks are guided tours of the plant species along the Bow River, led by Herbalists experienced in identification, wildcrafting & ecology. Each Herbalist brings their unique flavor to a plantwalk, that encompasses knowledge from cultural, scientific & medicinal perspectives. Every walk is sure to be a new experience - we encourage you to attend as many as possible throughout the weekend!

Friday Evening Keynote:

Zoopharmacognacy: Medicines of the Wild Horses of Sundre

Blend wild medicine, Indigenous traditions and modern veterinary medicine and you get one fascinating story! Brenda will share anecdotes and animal knowledge from her research project she is co-researching with Dr. Brielle Rosa from the U of
C on the wild horses outside of Sundre and how they self medicate to rid themselves of parasites.


Wild Horses
BRENDA HOLDER, Cree Knowledge Holder

Medicine Wheel Teachings with Kokum Cheryle

Gathering in circle with Kokum Cheryle to hear teachings about the medicine wheel. Discover how the meanings of the wheel are applied in Nehiyawak culture & healing.

Elder Cheryle Chagnon Greyeyes

Mushroom Medicine: The Future of Functional Fungi

Mushroom Medicine - Explore some of the newest research into lesser-known mysteries of the mushroom kingdom: how to harvest & prepare wild fungi, and uses for various acute & chronic health conditions.

Robert Rogers, RH(AHG)

The Lymphatic System:

What Clinical Herbalists Need to Know

Advanced Studies - Robert will discuss the importance of our bodies lymphatic system and how to determine the needs of individual clients based on their constitution, energetics and affected body parts.

Stone Mortar and Pestle
Robert Rogers, RH(AHG)

Exploring Medicinal Plant, Mushroom & Lichens

Plant Walk - Identify the medicines that fly under the radar with Robert, renowned expert in the field of fungi & lichens. Meet local species and uncover a framework for preparing and applying their medicines safely and effectively.

Robert Rogers, RH(AHG)

Plant walk for Native Plants

Plant walk - Meet our local native plants and learn their edible & medicinal uses. Find out the animals and insects that have relationship with them. Discuss cultivation techniques for growing native species at home.

Latifa Pelletier-Ahmed

Cultivating Medicinal Native Plants for People, Pollinators & Wildlife

Gardening - Beneficial Native Species are a thrill to grow in your own garden - hardy and adapted, they are easy to enjoy - even for those of us with a 'black thumb'.  This workshop introduces the essentials that will keep your local ecosystem healthy, supporting biodiversity for the benefit of pollinators, wildlife and humans.

Plant Based Cosmetics
Latifa Pelletier-Ahmed

Introduction to Iridology

Clues to Health in the Eyes - Iridology truly is a 'window' to understanding our physical, mental and emotional health. You'll learn the first and most important thing to look for when doing an iris assessment - and be able to use this new skill on the very next person you meet! Benefits and limitations of Iridology, a few case studies, and general recommendations will also be presented.

Judith Cobb

Womens' Hormonal Health

Women & AFAB Reproductive System - Women's health always seems a little more complicated than men's. After all, those without a uterus don't usually experience PMS, cramps, uterine fibroids or polycystic breast lumps.

We'll address each of these issues from the practical perspective of nutrition, herbs, vitamins and minerals that can help bring the body back into a balanced state.

Women on the Beach
Judith Cobb

Metis Medicine Walk

Indigenous Plant Relationships - Explore the shores of the Bow River with a Metis Herbalist. Discover berries, herbs, roots & barks - along with plant-names in English & Michif. Hear a story of how humans came to be the younger brothers & sisters of the plants and animals. Learn a little of the traditions of being in relationship with Creation.

Kalyn Kodiak

Basic Concepts of Tibetan Medicine Systems

Tibetan Medicine - Follow along the Chakras and body systems with  Tibetan herbalist Karma Rapchoe, as he describes the flow of energy and fluids that drive the life force of our bodies. Bring your notepad - there will be plenty of new info here for western herbalists!

Menpa Karma Rapchoe

Know the Nature of your Body According to Tibetan Traditional Medicine

"Beings are born in various bodies, like melted copper poured in different molds." - Vagbata, Ashtāngahridayasamhitā

Tibetan Medicine classifies body types using combinations of the elements Air, Fire & Earth. Seven Rangzhin ("inherent natures") are formed - find yours and learn how balance is encouraged with traditional practices.

Menpa Karma Rapchoe

Ethical Foraging Techniques

Ethical Foraging Wisdom - Share the journey of learning the tools & techniques needed to forage wild medicines, safely and ethically.

Legal, intuitive & ecological ideas regarding our relationships with plants will help form answers to questions often raised by those new to foraging.

Safety & stewardship - building relationships - will help to grow strength in your local food-and-medicine plant communities.

Julie Walker, Master Interpretive Guide

Plant walk with a Master Interpretive Guide

Full Circle Nature Walk - Join one of only a few Master Interpretive Guides in Alberta, Julie Walker, for a special look at the diverse species that make their home by the Bow River. More than just plants, Julie introduces us to the wildlife that thrives on our very doorstep.

Julie Walker, Master Interpretive Guide

So You Want to Start a Herbal Medicine Practice

Tips from a Clinical Herbalist - Starting your own herbal practice can be daunting! You might have questions like: how do I register my business? Where to source herbs? What about insurance? How do I become registered as a herbalist?

In the workshop, we're breaking it all down into attainable action steps - so you can walk forward feeling confident in your new business venture! 

Image by Conscious Design
Bree Nabholz

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Elderberry Syrup

Do-It-Yourself / Hands-on - Join Bree as she leads you step-by-step through the process to creating your own elderberry syrup. This classic recipe isn't popular by accident! On top of being absolutely delicious, elderberry syrup is incredibly potent medicine to increase your natural resilience against illness. 

Image by Maddy Weiss
Bree Nabholz

Formulating with Oleogels & Aquagels

Advanced Formulation - Brenda will take you beyond balms and salves, straight into the fascinating world of Gels. This is an amazing technique, and is a quick and easy way to make great medicines. Explore typical plant-based gums, how to choose and work with them, and explore a new group of unusual ingredients to take your formulas to a whole new level.

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Brenda Holder

The Importance of

Digestive Fire

Digestive Health - Proper absorption of nutrients & supplements are only one of the many reasons to bolster your digestive system. Use simple herbal combinations you can prepare at home, to help your body receive the most from your meals.

Food Knolling
Brenna Bouchard, TCMD

Natural Perfume Making

Awaken your senses and follow your nose as we explore the art of Perfumery! We'll go over the layers and elements that compose traditional perfume to build our own fragrances - just like nature. Learning classic and modern base notes, heart notes and top notes, utilizing all parts of the plant kingdom: softwoods, hard saps, gums, barks, leaves, fruits and flowers to craft the perfect scent. Find your signature olfactory equilibrium - a fragrance unique and special for you.

Brandon Warren, Alchemist

Cooking with Edible Flowers

In this workshop learn how to bring edible florals to enhance your meals with deeper flavors, invigorant your senses, and connect to your food through visual expressions and herbal medicine.  Learn which dried and fresh flowers are best to use for baking, salads, sprinkled on toast, decorating cakes, or morning porridge. Local sourcing, harvesting tips, and how to grow your own will be included.

Meagan McKinney & Claire Hitchcock

Fun with Elixirs

Fun and easy use of herbs through elixir drinks. Infuse flavourful ingredients to create delicious drinks that focus on heart centering, reducing anxiety and grounding the nervous system.

Fancy Cocktail
Meagan McKinney & Claire Hitchcock

Eating Herbs Seasonally with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Brenna Bouchard - Eating Herbs Seasonally from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Brenna Bouchard, TCMD

Medicinal Chocolate Making

Malcolm Sanders - Light Cellar Medicinal Chocolate

Malcolm Sanders

Skincare from the Forest

Plant-walk through the forests and fields with Ruby to find plants suitable for creating skin care products.

Image by Sara Scarpa
Ruby Martin

Dying Fabric with Plants

Using plant-based extracts, Ruby will guide participants to create beautiful dyed cloth samples.

Ruby Martin

Taste as Medicine - an Organoleptic Experience

Bree Nabholz - Taste As Medicine: An Organoleptic Experience with Herbs

Bree with leaf.jpg
Bree Nabholz

Bear Spirit Medicine

The Bear has cultural significance to the Metis people as the original teacher of plant medicines. The Bear provides us with examples on how to raise and care for children, and holds teachings on family, courage, and protection. The body of the bear provides warmth, healing, strength and nourishment. Examine the values of 'Bear medicine' from a Metis perspective through traditional stories.

Kalyn Kodiak, Metis Herbalist

Alberta Herb Gathering 2023


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